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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Documentary: 8 The Mormon Proposition

These are my notes and feelings as I watched the documentary.

I am 32 minutes in 8 and need a breather. All my original feelings of hearing the statement read in church are coming back. The pure anger and distrust, knowing it was not God even if they used his name. They used church records to call and tell, not ask, people how to vote. This alone is a total violation of trust and confidentiality. My husband got the call and it went like this. Very sweet woman's voice "Hello, is this Brother Courtney Jacobs?" He hesitated an said yes. She then started talking about the prop here in Arizona, it wasn't 8 here but same exact legislation. He hung up on her. He was angry. She called right back super cheery. "We got disconnected, I want to talk to you..." He said you need to stop talking for a minute. She said okay and he informed her he hung up because she and the church were out of line first calling him about politics and second telling people how to vote. She then tried to say that she wasn't using the ward list. He let her no there was NO doubt the only place she got his number and name was from church. She hurried off the phone. Just over a year later she came to us and apologized. That she was wrong. That she should not have lied and should never have agreed to make those phone calls. She had been pushed into it by church leaders and her husband. She knew it was wrong and not of God to make those phone calls but was and is not strong enough to say so to anyone. She is still a devote Mormon to this day. I don't know how you live something you know is wrong but that is her choice. I wish her the best. So far it is very accurate and that is why it is bringing up so many feelings. I will let you know about the next hour.

Okay it took about another minute to make me madder :/ lol gay marriage does not effect religious freedom. You do NOT have to let them be part of your religion. You already are very particular about your straight members entering the temple and holding positions. That argument doesn't work. If tomorrow they wanted to quit admitting African American's, as they did in the past, they would still be protected with that. The protection of religion is still standing. They have flat out lied in attempt to scare members into following.

Very Christ like to SCREAM at people how much God hates them. He may hate me but I don't think your position is very good either!

"Gay and lesbians can not have a child naturally so they are not a family." - Gayle Ruzicka

It is a slap in the face to not only gay families, because they are families, but to women that suffer from infertility! You are announcing that adoption in general does not a family make and you are wrong!

And these Mormon men are REALLY obsessed with talking about anal sex! I am sorry I can go on and on...obviously...

It is very accurate. Very emotional as an ex member. We are in the process not of having all our names removed from church records.

We are officially started on the looong road of having our names and our childrens names removed from LDS Church records. We have been going back and forth and we agree it is something we can no longer falter on. We want our kids to be loved and love without hate or judgement. For our children and for Henry Stuart Matis and people like him we will stand for what is right.

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